
Trust and Estate Planning with Rising and Volatile Interest Rates


Interest rates are at historically low levels and the Federal Reserve has repeatedly made clear that they will remain so for the foreseeable future.  Low rates create both opportunities and traps for estate planners.  Several advanced planning techniques, including self-cancelling installment notes on sales of property to family members, rely on low rates to achieve tax-favored results. Though these planning techniques lower estate and gift taxes, they also produce income tax traps.  For instance, if not properly structured, loans at low rates to a family member might result in imputed interest on the loan being attributed to the benefactor. This program will provide you with a practical guide to the estate and gift planning structures in a low interest rate environment and how to avoid income tax traps. Techniques for capitalizing on low interest rates in estate and trust planning Common income tax traps, including imputed interest on a loan to a child and election mistakes Utilizing installment sales to family members and low rate loans Techniques for using GRATs and Charitable Lead Trusts Understanding sales to intentionally defective grantor trusts Self-cancelling installment notes   Speaker: Jeremiah W. Doyle, IV is senior vice president in the Boston office of BNY Mellon Wealth Management, where he provides integrated wealth management advice to high net worth individuals on holding, managing and transferring wealth in a tax-efficient manner.  He is the editor and co-author of “Preparing Fiduciary Income Tax Returns,” a contributing author of Preparing Estate Tax Returns, and a contributing author of “Understanding and Using Trusts,” all published by Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education.  Mr. Doyle received his B.S. from Providence College, his J.D. form Hamline University Law School, and his LL.M. in banking from Boston University Law School.

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  • 3/29/2025
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Due Diligence in Business Transactions


Due diligence, often guided by lawyers, is essential to the success of major business transactions and poorly planned or conducted diligence can contribute to a buyer not getting the benefit of its bargain.  Diligence helps confirm essential assumptions about the value of a transaction and aids the discovery of unknown liabilities. There’s also a subtle relationship between the content of diligence and the time allowed to conduct it.  In more robust market environments, sellers have the upper hand and can limit diligence, making the process about time allocation and risk management. This program will provide you with a practical guide to planning the diligence process, understanding the most important areas of inquiry depending on the type of transaction, and review checklists.   What to diligence, utilizing experts, and managing the process and time Impact of market environment on the length and scope of diligence Checklists – what information do you need to get, from whom, and on what timeline? Hard assets v. soft assets – how to diligence the validity and title to each Contracts with suppliers and customers – ensuring stability and visibility of revenue Financial records and statements – what should attorneys look for?   Speaker: C. Ben Huber is a partner in the Denver office of Greenburg Traurig, LLP, where he has a broad transactional practice encompassing mergers and acquisitions, restructurings and reorganizations, corporate finance, capital markets, venture funds, commercial transactions and general corporate law.  He also has substantial experience as counsel to high tech, biotech and software companies in the development, protection and licensing of intellectual property.  His clients include start-up companies, family- and other closely-held businesses, middle market business, Fortune 500 companies, venture funds and institutional investors.  

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  • 4/5/2025
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Appraisals in Commercial Real Estate Finance & Development


Appraisals are part and parcel of every major realistic transaction.  Lenders will not loan without an appraisal.  Loan-to-value ratios are measured against the appraisal.  Investors will not invest without an appraisal.Appraisals are not set-piece documents, however; they involve a multiplicity of valuation metrics and different appraisers looking at the same property can and do generate widely varying valuations.  Because of their centrality to real estate transactions, understanding their structure and content is essential.  This program will provide you with a real-world guide to how appraisals are prepared and used in commercial real estate, their traps, and how they are incorporated into transactional documents.   Use of appraisals in obtaining funding for development projects and acquisitions Ensuring appraisals are prepared according to standards – and fraud risks if they are not Integrating appraisals in underlying operative documents What lawyers should look for in appraisals provided to clients – and how to spot red flags   Speakers: Anthony Licata is a partner in the Chicago office of Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, where he formerly chaired the firm’s real estate practice.  He has an extensive practice focusing on major commercial real estate transactions, including finance, development, leasing, and land use.  He formerly served as an adjunct professor at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University and at the Illinois Institute of Technology.  Mr. Licata received his B.S., summa cum laude, from MacMurray College and his J.D., cum laude, from Harvard Law School.

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  • 4/6/2025
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Default and Eviction of Commercial Real Estate Tenants


When a commercial real estate tenant defaults on a lease, there is substantial risk not only for the tenant but also for the landlord.  Though the lease may specify extensive landlord remedies, most courts will strictly construe the lease against the landlord, requiring strict adherence to notice of default and other process-related provisions in the lease. Failure to comply with these provisions and the requirements of law exposes the landlord to substantial liability, including lease termination and loss of rent, even though the tenant is in default. There are additional risks if the landlord accepts partial rent payments from the tenant or takes possession of the leasehold or tenant chattels. This program will provide you with a practical guide to tenant default under commercial leases and provide tips for drafting leases to protect landlords.   Drafting in anticipation of tenant default Essential steps in providing notice of default and eviction Common landlord mistakes – waiver of tenant default, tenant lockouts, disposal of tenant/third party property Liability issues for landlord – lease termination, loss of rent, damages Tenant remedies for improper landlord actions   Speaker: John S. Hollyfield is of counsel and a former partner in the Houston office Norton Rose Fulbright, LLP.  He has more than 40 years’ experience in real estate law practice.  He formerly served as chair of the ABA Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section, president of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers, and chair of the Anglo-American Real Property Institute.  He has been named a "Texas Super Lawyer" in Real Estate Law by Texas Monthly magazine and is listed in Who’s Who in American Law.  He is co-editor of Modern Banking and Lending Forms (4th Edition), published by Warren, Gorham & Lamont.  

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  • 4/6/2025
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Beneficiary Designations in Retirement Accounts: Protecting a Lifetime of Savings


Other than a personal residence, the largest single asset class consists of financial assets. These accounts may be 401(k)s or IRAs, annuity or insurance contracts, or a variety of brokerage or bank accounts. The crucial planning aspect of these types of accounts or contracts is that they can be transferred through beneficiary designations. Though a seemingly simple expedient, beneficiary designations vary among types of accounts and each comes with its own nuances – and traps, which can lead to severely adverse tax and practical outcomes.  This program will provide you with a real-world guide to understanding, reviewing, and drafting beneficiary designations in trust and estate planning.   How beneficiary designations vary depending on the type of custodial account involved Differences among retirement accounts, bank accounts, brokerage accounts, life insurance policies How designations differ depending on the type of beneficiary – individual, institutional, trust, etc. “Payable on Death” agreements for bank accounts Practical guidance on how designations are made & common drafting traps   Speaker: Jeremiah W. Doyle, IV is senior vice president in the Boston office of BNY Mellon Wealth Management, where he provides integrated wealth management advice to high net worth individuals on holding, managing and transferring wealth in a tax-efficient manner.  He is the editor and co-author of “Preparing Fiduciary Income Tax Returns,” a contributing author of Preparing Estate Tax Returns,and a contributing author of “Understanding and Using Trusts,” all published by Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education.  Mr. Doyle received his B.S. from Providence College, his J.D. form Hamline University Law School, and his LL.M. in banking from Boston University Law School.

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  • 4/12/2025
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Drafting Indemnity Agreements in Business and Commercial Transactions


Indemnity agreements are central to the risk allocation and limitation of liability system built into most transactionalarrangements. The indemnitor agrees to indemnify the indemnitee on the occurrence of certain events. The scope of liability in these agreements is very carefully defined, often including actual costs but excluding consequential damages or any damages arising from third-party claims. All of the pieces of the indemnity puzzle – scope, measure of damages, exclusions and procedures for cost recovery – must be very carefully considered, negotiated and drafted. This program will provide you with a practical guide to drafting key provisions of indemnity agreements in transactional agreements.    Scope of indemnity – indemnity v. hold harmless, damages v. liabilities, direct v. third-party claims Types of losses subject to indemnity – breaches of reps and warranties, covenants, losses, specific circumstances Determining recoverable damages and costs, including attorneys’ fees Implied or equitable indemnity – and use of disclaimers to limit liability Difference between the duty to defend v. indemnification  Procedure for claiming and obtaining indemnification reimbursements   Speakers: Joel R. Buckberg is a shareholder in the Nashville office of Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, P.C. and chair of the firm’s commercial transactions and business consulting group. He has more than 45 years’ experience structuring and drafting commercial, corporate and business transactions.  He also counsels clients on strategic planning, financing, mergers and acquisitions, system policy and practice development, regulatory compliance and contract system drafting. Prior to joining Baker Donelson, he was executive vice president and deputy general counsel of Cendant Corporation.  Mr. Buckberg received his B.S. form Union College, his M.B.A. from Vanderbilt University, and his J.D. from Vanderbilt University School of Law. William J. Kelly, III is a founding member of Kelly Law Partners, LLC, and has more than 30 years’ experience in the areas of employment and commercial litigation.  In the area of employment law, he litigates trade secret, non-compete, infringement and discrimination claims in federal and state courts nationwide and has advised Fortune 50 companies on workplace policies and practices.  In the area of commercial litigation, his experience includes class action litigation, breach of contract and indemnity, mass-claim complex insurance litigation, construction litigation and trade secrets.  Earlier in career, he founded 15 Minutes Music, an independent music production company.  Mr. Kelly earned his B.A. from Tulane University and his J.D. from St. Louis University School of Law.

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  • 4/15/2025
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Charging Orders in Business Transactions


A charging order redirects a partner or LLC member’s distributions, if any, to a creditor.  These court orders are frequently used when an LLC or partnership interest has been pledged to a creditor as collateral and the debtor is in default. Charging orders differ substantially from liens on corporate stock because charging orders do not allow the creditor to foreclose on the LLC or partnership interest but only claim distributions from the entity.  The creditor does not succeed to any other rights of the LLC member – voting rights, management rights – and is totally dependent on the entity to make distributions.  This program will provide you with a real-world guide to the uses and limitations of charging orders in transactions and tips on enhancing their effectiveness.    What does a creditor get with a charging order and what rights does the debtor retain? Impact of charging orders on the entity Enhancing the enforceability of charging orders Enforcement of one state’s charging order statute in another state Tax consequences of charging orders   Speakers: Steven O. Weise is a partner in the Los Angeles office Proskauer Rose, LLP, where his practice encompasses all areas of commercial law. He has extensive experience in financings, particularly those secured by personal property.  He also handles matters involving real property anti-deficiency laws, workouts, guarantees, sales of goods, letters of credit, commercial paper and checks, and investment securities.  Mr. Weise formerly served as chair of the ABA Business Law Section. He has also served as a member of the Permanent Editorial Board of the UCC and as an Advisor to the UCC Code Article 9 Drafting Committee.  Mr. Weise received his B.A. from Yale University and his J.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of Law. Daniel Kleinberger is an Emeritus Professor of Law at Michell|Hamline where his teaching and scholarship focused on business law.  He has served as the reporter on many uniform laws in business law, including Series Unincorporated Entities and Limited Partnerships.  Before entering academic, he was an in-hose counsel at the 3m Corporation.  He is the author of a leading treatise on LLCs and a popular student treatise on agency, partnerships, and LLCs.  Professor Kleinberger earned his A.B. from Harvard University and his J.D. from Yale Law School.  

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  • 4/19/2025
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2023 Wage & Hour Update: New Overtime Rules


Wage and hour regulations impact every employer. Whether a worker is classified as an employee or independent contractor and employees as “exempt” or “non-exempt” for purposes of overtime has major implications for employer tax and non-tax compliance.  Failure to properly classify a worker can lead to substantial financial liability for employers and compliance has become more difficult as employers, following commercial trends, employee more “gig” workers or independent contractors.  Enforcement by the US Department of Labor and state equivalents is increasing.  This program will provide you with a practical guide to major developments in overtime rules and regulations and provide guidance on best practices to avoid liability.   Major case law and regulatory developments impacting overtime compliance Continuing classification litigation around “gig” economy workers Anticipated Biden Administration changes to overtime rules Changes to the “PAID” independent audit program Best practices to avoid misclassification liability   Speaker: Chris Jalian is an attorney in the Los Angeles office of Paul Hastings, LLP, where he represents employers in all aspects of labor and employment law, including wage-and-hour matters and discrimination. He has experience with class and representative actions, multi-plaintiff, and single-plaintiff lawsuits defending employers in state and federal courts in cases involving federal and state antidiscrimination, equal pay and whistleblower laws, the Fair Labor Standards Act, and a variety of state wage and hour laws. He also counsels clients to ensure compliance with wage and hour requirements.  Jennifer Milazzo is an attorney in the Los Angeles office of Paul Hastings, LLP, where she represents employers in all aspects of labor and employment law, including harassment, discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, and wage and hour issues, in both single-plaintiff and class-action matters. Prior to entering private practice, Ms. Milazzo served as a judicial extern to the Judge Stephen Wilson of the United States District Court for the District of California. 

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  • 4/20/2025
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Lawyer Ethics and Investigations for and of Clients


Investigations by lawyers are an essential element of most litigation.  Lawyers investigate the parties and the facts underlying the case through the use of third-party investigators, online searches, obtaining public records, seeking the production of electronic communications, including text messages, and much more.  Also, lawyers sometimes need to investigate their own clients – to assure themselves of the veracity of certain representations or when the lawyer suspects the client may be actively misleading the lawyer.  These investigations are not without risk. Ethics rules limit what lawyers can do and say, and how the work product of these investigations may be used.  This program will provide you with a practical guide to ethical issues when lawyers conduct investigations.   Duty of an attorney to investigate a case before filing a lawsuit “Pre-texting” – the ethics of deception  in investigations Ethical issues when a lawyer investigates a client – and when it is ethically required Conflicts of interest in investigations Ethical issues in social media and online searches – and obtaining text messages Use of third-party investigators Limitations on investigating members of a jury or jury pool When investigations go awry – discipline, sanctions, exclusion of evidence obtained   Speakers: Elizabeth Treubert Simon is an ethics attorney in the Washington, D.C. office of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, where she advises on a wide range of ethics and compliance-related matters to support Akin Gump’s offices worldwide.  Previously, she practiced law in Washington DC and New York, focusing on business and commercial litigation and providing counsel to clients regarding professional ethics and attorney disciplinary procedures.  She is a member of the New York State Bar Association Committee on Professional Discipline and the District of Columbia Legal Ethics Committee.  She writes and speaks extensively on attorney ethics issues.    Thomas E. Spahn is a partner in the McLean, Virginia office of McGuireWoods, LLP, where he has a substantial practice advising clients on properly creating and preserving the attorney-client privilege and work product protections.  For more than 30 years he has lectured extensively on legal ethics and professionalism and has written “The Attorney-Client Privilege and the Work Product Doctrine: A Practitioner’s Guide,” a 750 page treatise published by the Virginia Law Foundation.  Mr. Spahn has served as a member of the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility and as a member of the Virginia State Bar's Legal Ethics Committee.  

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  • 4/26/2025
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Trust and Estate Planning for Second Marriages


Second marriages pose a wide range of planning challenges.  Planning for the equitable distribution of property in “blended” families – children or grandchildren from a prior marriage, a second spouse, and perhaps children from the second marriage – is fraught with legal and emotional landmines well beyond customary tax planning.  Failure to carefully consider objectives and consequences and to communicate and execute plans can easily leave a client’s estate exposed to open and raw disputes among competing heirs and eventually to destructive fiduciary litigation. This program will provide you with a guide to the practical, substantive and tax aspects of planning for clients with second marriages and blended families.   Emotional context of planning for remarried clients and blended families Use of pre-marital agreements to spot contentious issues, align interests, and decrease post-mortem litigation Income tax planning issues for the second marriage, including exemptions and credits Use of trusts and gifting to prevent unjust enrichment of one branch of a blended family Traps and opportunities with retirement benefits Post-mortem planning techniques when the first spouse dies – and issues on the “second death”   Speakers:  Michael Sneeringer an attorney in the Naples, Florida office of Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP, where his practice focuses on trust and estate planning, probate administration, asset protection planning, and tax law. He has served as vice chair of the asset protection planning committee of the ABA’s Real Property, Trust and Estate Section and is an official reporter of the Heckerling Institute.   Missia H. Vaselaney is a partner in the Cleveland office of Taft, Stettinius & Hollister, LLP, where her practice focuses on estate planning for individuals and businesses.  She also represents clients before federal and state taxing authorities.  Ms. Vaselaney is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and has been a member of the Steering Committee for AICPA’s National Advanced Estate Planning Conference since 2001.  

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  • 4/29/2025
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MAC Clauses & "Acts of God": How the Pandemic Continues to Change Contracts


Material Adverse Change (MAC) clauses are common in most businesstransactions. These clauses allocate among the parties the risk of a MAC occurring between the execution of transactional documents and closing the underlying transaction.  Sellers want certainty that a sale or other transaction will close and argue that the MAC clause should be very narrowly drafted. Buyers want maximum flexibility and will argue that anything that makes the transaction unattractive should constitute a MAC.  Between those two opposing views are a host of narrow and technical but important details that need to be negotiated, details which will determine whether the transaction is successfully closed, efficiently and cost-effectively terminated, or devolves into dispute and litigation. This program will provide you with a practical guide using and drafting MAC clauses in transactions.   • Drafting “Material Adverse Change” provisions and carve-outs • Forms of MACs – closing conditions or representations? • Practical process of “proving” a MAC occurred, including burden of proof • What happens to the transaction if a MAC occurred? • Spotting red flags when drafting MAC clauses and best practices to reduce the risk   Speaker: Steven O. Weise is a partner in the Los Angeles office Proskauer Rose, LLP, where his practice encompasses all areas of commercial law. He has extensive experience in financings, particularly those secured by personal property.  He also handles matters involving real property anti-deficiency laws, workouts, guarantees, sales of goods, letters of credit, commercial paper and checks, and investment securities.  Mr. Weise formerly served as chair of the ABA Business Law Section. He has also served as a member of the Permanent Editorial Board of the UCC and as an Advisor to the UCC Code Article 9 Drafting Committee.  

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  • 5/3/2025
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The Law of Background Checks: What Clients May/May Not ‘Check


Background checks are an exercise in risk management in hiring. Employers want to align an applicant’s skills with a job profile, reducing the likelihood the hire will not work out or, worse yet, cause the employer liability. This typically means that the employer wants as much information as possible on job candidates. But background checks themselves are fraught with potential liability. There are many categories of questions that employers may not ask applicants; and if they do ask these questions, they open themselves to liability.This program will provide you with a real-world guide to what is allowed and what isnot allowed in background checks, and best practices for using that information and avoiding liability.   Framework of laws impacting background checks, including the Fair Credit Reporting Act What an employ may/may not ask – criminal arrest history, marital status, age, credit history, and other bases Social media background checks Liability for improper/discriminatory use of background checks Counseling clients about best practices in conducting/using background checks   Speaker: Felicia Davis is an attorney in the Los Angeles office of Paul Hastings, LLP where she represents employers in all aspects of labor and employment law, including discrimination, retaliation, harassment, religious accommodation and wage and hour issues, in both single-plaintiff and class-action matters. She has also represented clients in disability access litigation under Title III. She has served as lead attorney on single and multi-plaintiff matters, successfully defending lawsuits alleging discrimination, retaliation, and wrongful discharge as well as collective bargaining agreement violations. She is a member of the ABA Labor and Employment Law Committee on Technology in the Practice and Workplace (Planning Committee). Ms. Davis received her B.A., cum laude, from Claremont McKenna College and her J.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles.

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  • 5/5/2025
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2023 Fiduciary Litigation Update


This program will provide you with a wide-ranging discussion of developments in fiduciary litigation. Challenges to the validity of an estate, claims involving non-probate transfers, and trustee liability cases litigation will be covered. The program will also cover claims based on a fiduciary’s management of assets in a time of extreme volatility and crisis. This program will provide you with a practical guide to recent developments in fiduciary litigation.    Review of significant case law developments and trends in fiduciary litigation Challenges to validity of an estate Claims involving non-probate transfers Trustee liability cases Failure to diversify trust assets in a time of volatility and crisis Claims based on distribution polices or abuse of discretionary distributions   Speaker: Steven B. Malech is partner in the New York City office of Wiggin and Dana, LLP, where he is chair of the firm’s probate litigation practice group.  He is represents beneficiaries, fiduciaries and creditors in disputes involving alleged violations of the Prudent Investor Act and its predecessors, alleged breaches of fiduciary duty, disputed accountings, and will contests. He represents clients in cutting edge probate litigation matters involving trusts and estates with assets in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Mr. Malech received his B.A., with special honors, from the University of Texas and his J.D. from the Connecticut School of Law. Michael Kenny is counsel in the New York City office of Wiggin and Dana, LLP, where his practice focuses on commercial, probate, construction, and maritime litigation.  He has represented clients in domestic and international arbitrations, including proceedings before the American Arbitration Association and the International Centre for Dispute Resolution. His litigation and arbitration experience includes the preparation and trial of warranty claims and ship repair disputes. Mr. Kenny received his B.A. from the College of The Holy Cross and his J.D. from Fordham University School of Law. Matthew Smith is a partner in the Westport, Connecticut office of Wiggin and Dana, where he advises clients on estate planning, estate and trust administration, and probate litigation. His estate planning practice focuses on assisting individuals and families with practical estate, gift, and tax planning, including the preparation of wills and trusts. Before joining the firm, Matt was a litigation associate for Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP.  Mr. Smith earned his A.B., cum laude, from Harvard University and his J.D. from Columbia University School of Law.

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  • 5/6/2025
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Trust and Estate Planning for Single Clients


It’s a misnomer to think that single clients, unmarried and without children, don’t need estate planning.  In some important ways, they need planning more urgently than clients who are married.  Single clients need to plan for long-term health and medical decision making, if they do not have close relatives.  They need to plan for their long-term care and to maximize the benefit of retirement accounts. They also need to grapple with what to do with any assets they may have at their death.  Single clients often do not think about these issues and need to be counseled about alternatives.  This program will provide you with a real-world guide to counseling and planning issues for unmarried clients.    Retirement account assets, life insurance policies, and beneficiary designations Advance medical directives, health care powers of attorney, and living wills Counseling clients about charitable giving to develop their interests/passions Choosing personal representatives when the client does not have close family   Speakers:  Missia H. Vaselaney is a partner in the Cleveland office of Taft, Stettinius & Hollister, LLP, where her practice focuses on estate planning for individuals and businesses.  She also represents clients before federal and state taxing authorities.  Ms. Vaselaney is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and has been a member of the Steering Committee for AICPA’s National Advanced Estate Planning Conference since 2001.  Ms. Vaselaney received her B.A. from the University of Dayton and her J.D. from the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. Michael Sneeringer an attorney in the Naples, Florida office of Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP, where his practice focuses on trust and estate planning, probate administration, asset protection planning, and tax law. He has served as vice chair of the asset protection planning committee of the ABA’s Real Property, Trust and Estate Section and is an official reporter of the Heckerling Institute.  Mr. Sneeringer received his B.A. from Washington & Jefferson College, his J.D., cum laude, St. Thomas University School of Law, and his LL.M. from the University of Miami School of Law.

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  • 5/10/2025
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Drafting Demand Letters


Demand letters may seem like they’re merely hammer-strokes, the first blow of litigation.  But the most effective demand letters are more subtly crafted.  Tone is important.  Vitriolic letters – letters that do not keep a client’s goals in mind and misjudge the reader’s range of likely reactions – may be counterproductive.  Rather than moving the process toward a good outcome, the letter may actually result in setbacks and greater costs.  There’s a subtle balance between precision and vagueness, stimulating favorable response by being sufficiently vague so that the reader speculates about adverse consequences.There’s also the issue of how much of your case – favorable facts and persuasive law – to include in the letter.This program will provide you with a real-world guide to setting goals and carefully crafted demand letters to advance client goals.   Setting goals and realistic expectations Striking the right tone – how aggressive is too aggressive? Precision v. vagueness - leaving room for speculation and negotiation How much of your case – the facts and the law – to include in the letter? Common traps and mistakes in demand letters   Speaker:  Shannon M. Bell is a member with Kelly Law Partners, LLC, where she litigates a wide variety of complex business disputes, construction disputes, fiduciary claims, employment issues, and landlord/tenant issues.  Her construction experience extends from contract negotiations to defense of construction claims of owners, HOAs, contractors and tradesmen.  She also represents clients in claims of shareholder and officer liability, piercing the corporate veil, and derivative actions.  She writes and speaks on commercial litigation, employment, discovery and bankruptcy topics.  

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  • 5/13/2025
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Techniques to Avoid and Resolve Deadlocks in Closely Held Companies


One of the biggest risks to a closely held company is a dispute among the members of its ownership group. The members may disagree about a major company transaction, the strategic direction of the company, distribution practices, or simply develop ruinous inter-personal issues.  In closely held companies that are held by a single family, disputes are particularly personal, often arising when members of a junior generation succeed to the interests and leadership role of the senior generation.  Unless these disputes are carefully channeled into dispute resolution mechanisms, the stability and financial success of the company is threatened.  This program will provide you with a guide to the sources of disputes in closely held companies and mechanisms for resolution, with an emphasis using buy/sell agreements to resolve disputes.           Common sources of disputes and deadlocks in closely-held companies        Planning and drafting mechanisms to resolve disputes          Conflicts over strategic transactions, distributions, or inter-personal relations          Practical use of buy/sell agreements to liquidate interest of dissenting member          Major elements of buy/sell agreements          Alternatives to using buy/sell agreements   Speaker: S. Lee Terry, Jr. is a partner in the Denver office of Davis, Graham & Stubbs, LLP, where he has a broad corporate and securities practice.  He advises clients on mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, partnership agreements, licensing and other technology related contracts.  He has an active practice advising private companies, ranging from capital raising and major transactions to dispute resolution and investigations. He also has an extensive securities law practice, including various types of capital raising transactions.  Mr. Terry started his career in the Office of General Counsel of the Securities and Exchange Commission.  

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  • 5/17/2025
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Trust & Estate Planning for Real Estate, Part 1


Trust and estate planning for real estate and real estate entrepreneurs is full of special challenges.  Real estate is illiquid, its value can swing wildly, and it can be difficult to value.  Commercial real estate may be owned in an LLC and subject to complex contractual relationships that make transferring it difficult.  There are also the challenges of transferring a unique family property – a personal residence, or family vacation property, a farm or ranch. This program will provide you a detailed guide to trust and estate planning for real property assets and for real estate entrepreneurs.   Day 1: Planning opportunities and challenges for real estate and real estate entrepreneurs Planning for lifetime giving of fractional interests in real estate Asset protection techniques for real estate assets Issues related to restructured real estate assets Planning for family properties – QPRTs, SERTs, and LLC techniques   Day 2: Unique challenges of planning for liquidity with illiquid assets Valuation discount issues and planning in a rising but volatile market Value freezing techniques using LLCs Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT), sales to defective grantor trusts, and sales of self-cancelling installment notes Charitable giving techniques for real estate   Speakers: Missia H. Vaselaney is a partner in the Cleveland office of Taft, Stettinius & Hollister, LLP, where her practice focuses on estate planning for individuals and businesses.  She also represents clients before federal and state taxing authorities.  Ms. Vaselaney is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and has been a member of the Steering Committee for AICPA’s National Advanced Estate Planning Conference since 2001.  Ms. Vaselaney received her B.A. from the University of Dayton and her J.D. from the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. Michael Sneeringer an attorney in the Naples, Florida office of Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP, where his practice focuses on trust and estate planning, probate administration, asset protection planning, and tax law. He has served as vice chair of the asset protection planning committee of the ABA’s Real Property, Trust and Estate Section and is an official reporter of the Heckerling Institute.  Mr. Sneeringer received his B.A. from Washington & Jefferson College, his J.D., cum laude, St. Thomas University School of Law, and his LL.M. from the University of Miami School of Law.

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  • 5/19/2025
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Trust & Estate Planning for Real Estate, Part 2


Trust and estate planning for real estate and real estate entrepreneurs is full of special challenges.  Real estate is illiquid, its value can swing wildly, and it can be difficult to value.  Commercial real estate may be owned in an LLC and subject to complex contractual relationships that make transferring it difficult.  There are also the challenges of transferring a unique family property – a personal residence, or family vacation property, a farm or ranch. This program will provide you a detailed guide to trust and estate planning for real property assets and for real estate entrepreneurs.   Day 1: Planning opportunities and challenges for real estate and real estate entrepreneurs Planning for lifetime giving of fractional interests in real estate Asset protection techniques for real estate assets Issues related to restructured real estate assets Planning for family properties – QPRTs, SERTs, and LLC techniques   Day 2: Unique challenges of planning for liquidity with illiquid assets Valuation discount issues and planning in a rising but volatile market Value freezing techniques using LLCs Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT), sales to defective grantor trusts, and sales of self-cancelling installment notes Charitable giving techniques for real estate   Speakers: Missia H. Vaselaney is a partner in the Cleveland office of Taft, Stettinius & Hollister, LLP, where her practice focuses on estate planning for individuals and businesses.  She also represents clients before federal and state taxing authorities.  Ms. Vaselaney is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and has been a member of the Steering Committee for AICPA’s National Advanced Estate Planning Conference since 2001.  Ms. Vaselaney received her B.A. from the University of Dayton and her J.D. from the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. Michael Sneeringer an attorney in the Naples, Florida office of Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP, where his practice focuses on trust and estate planning, probate administration, asset protection planning, and tax law. He has served as vice chair of the asset protection planning committee of the ABA’s Real Property, Trust and Estate Section and is an official reporter of the Heckerling Institute.  Mr. Sneeringer received his B.A. from Washington & Jefferson College, his J.D., cum laude, St. Thomas University School of Law, and his LL.M. from the University of Miami School of Law.

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  • 5/20/2025
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Ethics of Shared Law Offices, Working Remotely & Virtual Offices


Technology allows lawyers far more flexibility to practice law than ever before.  Lawyers can work in shared offices, splitting expenses with other small firms or solo practitioners. They can work remotely, from home or virtually anywhere, with basic computer and networking technology. But all these innovations come with ethics traps. These include issues of communications and confidentiality, supervising outsourced worked, multijurisdictional practice, and managing all the technology used to practice law from home.  This program will provide you with a practical guide to ethical issues when working from home or anywhere but a traditional office. Disclosure to clients of virtual nature of law office Duty of competence as a duty to understand technology Electronic communications, confidentiality, and ethical risks in virtual law offices How Web sites and a “virtual” presence implicate multijurisdictional practice issues Outsourcing work to paralegal services, including fee sharing issues Speaker: Thomas E. Spahn is a partner in the McLean, Virginia office of McGuireWoods, LLP, where he has a broad complex commercial, business and securities litigation practice. He also has a substantial practice advising businesses on properly creating and preserving the attorney-client privilege and work product protections.  For more than 20 years he has lectured extensively on legal ethics and professionalism and has written “The Attorney-Client Privilege and the Work Product Doctrine: A Practitioner’s Guide,” a 750 page treatise published by the Virginia Law Foundation.  Mr. Spahn has served as member of the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility and as a member of the Virginia State Bar's Legal Ethics Committee.  

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  • 5/25/2025
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Ethics of Co-Counsel and Referral Relationships


Co-counsel and referral relationships are common in law practice.  Lawyers associate with other lawyers on cases to gain specialized knowledge required for competent representation in a case.Litigation counsel may seek local counsel on a case in another jurisdiction.  Lawyers also refer out business for a variety of reasons, including overflow work or the work is outside of a lawyer’s core competencies.  These any many other co-counsel and referral relationships, however, raise substantial ethical and malpractice issues.  This program will provide you with a framework for understanding the ethical issues surrounding co-counsel and referral relationships.   Duty to supervise counsel to whom you have referred work Associating with other lawyers or firms to gain competence in specific areas Fee splitting in co-counsel or referral relationships Liability to co-counsel for breaches of fiduciary duty or malpractice Liability for errors of co-counsel Duty to inform of malpractice by co-counsel   Speakers: Brian S. Faughnan is special counsel in the Memphis office of Thomason Hendrix Harvey Johnson & Mitchell, PLLC, where he represents clients in a wide variety of matters at the trial level and on appeal.  He counsels lawyers and law firms on a wide variety of issues surrounding legal ethics and professional responsibility. He is the chair of the Tennessee Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility, a reporter for the committee’s rules revision project, a member of the Association of Professional Responsibility Lawyers, and a member of the Media Law Resource Center’s Ethics Committee. 

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  • 5/31/2025
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Drafting Legal Holds in Civil Litigation


Legal holds are essential documents in civil litigation.  Presented by one party to the other, often by the plaintiff to the defendant in anticipation of filing a complaint, the hold demands the other party preserve specified evidence – documents or other items – which is essential underlying claiming.  But these no mere matter of issuing a form letter. Their scope and demands must be carefully tailored to the underlying claim. There are also issues of notice, who should receive the hold, remedies for breach, and potentially sanctions. This program will provide you with a practical guide to planning and drafting legal holds in civil litigation.    Giving notice of a litigation hold – and practical legal effect Who should receive the hold? Defining the scope of hold Standards in federal and state courts Electronically stored information – preservation v. pulling Termination of litigation Remedies for violation of hold – sanctions, adverse judgement   Speaker: Stanley E. Woodward Jr. is partner with Brand | Woodward, where he has a broad civil litigation and white collar criminal defense practice.  He also conducts internal corporate investigations.  He serves as an adjunct professor of law at Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law, where he teaches pre-trial litigation and employment law. Before entering private practice, he served as a judicial clerk to Judge Vanessa Ruiz of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, and Judges Joan Zeldon and Judge Rufus King III of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia.  Mr. Woodward earned his B.A., cum laude, and his M.S., magna cum laude, from American University, and his J.D., cum laude, from The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law.

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  • 6/1/2025
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Drafting Employee Handbooks


Employee handbooks define the relationship of employer and employee for most employees.  These handbooks establish leave policies, polices for working from home, sick leave, and grounds for dismissal. They also help ensure the protection of employer trade secrets.  In a highly interconnected age, they establish policies for the use of smartphones, tablets, and other devices on and for the job. If a handbook is carefully planned and drafted, it provides for a stable workplace, reducing the risk of employer liability.The absence of a handbook can lead to just the opposite – a workplace with ad hoc policies and abounding risk.  This program will provide you with a practical guide to drafting employee handbooks.   Essential elements of employee handbooks Work from home policies and protections Ensuring handbooks are not enforceable contracts and are subject to change by employers Compliance with EEO laws, including the ADA, FMLA and others Prohibition of discrimination, harassment, and other unlawful conduct Defining workplace policies for personal smartphones, tablets, and other devices Time off, leave of absence, and discipline and dismissal procedures   Speaker: Stefanee Handon is an attorney in the Washington, D.C. office of Paul Hastings, LLP, where she represents employers in all aspects of employment law, including wage and hour compliance, fair employment practices, and individual employment rights.  She also counsels employers on all aspects of the employer-employee relationship, including hiring, pay, promotion, and termination.  Ms. Handon received her B.A., with high distinction, from the University of Virginia and her J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law.

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  • 6/3/2025
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2023 Ethics in Civil Litigation Update, Part 1


This annual ethics update will cover a wide range of ethical developments important to your civil litigation practice.  The program will provide detailed coverage of developments in conflicts of interest in litigation, confidentiality and the attorney-client privilege, and drafting and negotiating settlement agreements.  The program will feature its annual tour of the waterfront of technology issues in litigation practice.  Please join for this annual program which will provide you with a lively discussion of ethical developments important to civil litigation practice.    Day 1: Ethics and technology in law practice review Ethics and settlement agreements Recent developments in conflicts of interest, part 1   Day 2: Ethics, evidence and witnesses Developments in confidentiality and preserving the attorney-client privilege Recent developments in conflicts of interest, part 2   Speakers: Thomas E. Spahn is a partner in the McLean, Virginia office of McGuireWoods, LLP, where he has a substantial practice advising clients on properly creating and preserving the attorney-client privilege and work product protections.  For more than 30 years he has lectured extensively on legal ethics and professionalism and has written “The Attorney-Client Privilege and the Work Product Doctrine: A Practitioner’s Guide,” a 750 page treatise published by the Virginia Law Foundation.  Mr. Spahn has served as a member of the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility and as a member of the Virginia State Bar's Legal Ethics Committee.  

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  • 6/8/2025
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2023 Ethics in Civil Litigation Update, Part 2


This annual ethics update will cover a wide range of ethical developments important to your civil litigation practice.  The program will provide detailed coverage of developments in conflicts of interest in litigation, confidentiality and the attorney-client privilege, and drafting and negotiating settlement agreements.  The program will feature its annual tour of the waterfront of technology issues in litigation practice.  Please join for this annual program which will provide you with a lively discussion of ethical developments important to civil litigation practice.    Day 1: Ethics and technology in law practice review Ethics and settlement agreements Recent developments in conflicts of interest, part 1   Day 2: Ethics, evidence and witnesses Developments in confidentiality and preserving the attorney-client privilege Recent developments in conflicts of interest, part 2   Speakers: Thomas E. Spahn is a partner in the McLean, Virginia office of McGuireWoods, LLP, where he has a substantial practice advising clients on properly creating and preserving the attorney-client privilege and work product protections.  For more than 30 years he has lectured extensively on legal ethics and professionalism and has written “The Attorney-Client Privilege and the Work Product Doctrine: A Practitioner’s Guide,” a 750 page treatise published by the Virginia Law Foundation.  Mr. Spahn has served as a member of the ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility and as a member of the Virginia State Bar's Legal Ethics Committee.  

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  • 6/9/2025
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Talking About Wealth Transfer Plans: Practical Strategies to Avoid Disputes Among Beneficiaries


Transferring wealth often unearths long-deferred issues that may complicate or even subvert the best laid trust and estate plans. Heirs may have expectations about their inheritance that are unrealistic. Certain children may expect to take control of a family business. There are often interpersonal resentments or animosities among children of different marriages. Sometimes, too, there are children from a relationship that was previously unknown.  These and many other issues need to be explored before plans are formulated and documents drafted.  But raising these issues is a very delicate conversation which sometimes takes lawyers to the edge of their comfort zone. This program will provide you a practical guide to raising these issues and counseling clients about the legal issues involved.    Communicating wealth transfer plans before the death of a client When to have those conversations – timing is everything How to broach uncomfortable topics and pose unpopular choices Anticipating visceral reactions and strategies to avoid estrangement and dispute How trustee choices may impact beneficiary reactions   Speaker: Daniel L. Daniels is a partner in the Greenwich, Connecticut office of Wiggin and Dana, LLP, where his practice focuses on representing business owners, corporate executives and other wealthy individuals and their families.  A Fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, he is listed in “The Best Lawyers in America,” and has been named by “Worth” magazine as one of the Top 100 Lawyers in the United States representing affluent individuals. Mr. Daniels is co-author of a monthly column in “Trusts and Estates” magazine.  Mr. Daniels received his A.B., summa cum laude, from Dartmouth College and received his J.D., with honors, from Harvard Law School.

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  • 6/14/2025
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Buying and Selling Commercial Real Estate, Part 1


Buying and selling commercial real estate is a lengthy and complex undertaking from diligence and letters of intent to mortgage agreements and, ultimately, the underlying purchase and sale agreement. Reps and warranties have become more extensive and exacting in detail. Financing contingencies have become lengthy and complex. Due diligence has become lengthier, more invasive and costlier – or barely permitted at all, in particularly “hot” markets.  Managing all these elements is demanding.  This program will provide you a practical guide to the transactional cycle of buying and selling commercial real estate.   Day 1: Planning the process – letters of intent, negotiations, closing process Due diligence depending on the type of deal – title, environmental, finance issu Understanding the minefield of seller’s reps and warranties Buyer and seller’s covenants in a volatile market Deposits of money   Day 2: Issues for income producing properties, multiple family properties, and distressed properties Finance issues in operative agreements, including finance contingencies, and working with commercial lenders Conditions to closing and reducing the risk of not closing Post-closing issues, baskets, escrow and contingencies Bankruptcy issues in operative agreements   Speakers: Anthony Licata is a partner in the Chicago office of Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, where he formerly chaired the firm’s real estate practice.  He has an extensive practice focusing on major commercial real estate transactions, including finance, development, leasing, and land use.  He formerly served as an adjunct professor at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University and at the Illinois Institute of Technology.  Mr. Licata received his B.S., summa cum laude, from MacMurray College and his J.D., cum laude, from Harvard Law School. John S. Hollyfield is of counsel and a former partner in the Houston office Norton Rose Fulbright, LLP.  He has more than 40 years’ experience in real estate law practice.  He formerly served as chair of the ABA Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section, president of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers, and chair of the Anglo-American Real Property Institute.  He has been named a "Texas Super Lawyer" in Real Estate Law by Texas Monthly magazine and is listed in Who’s Who in American Law.  He is co-editor of Modern Banking and Lending Forms (4th Edition), published by Warren, Gorham & Lamont.  He received his B.B.A. from the University of Texas and his LL.B. from the University of Texas School of Law. Richard R. Goldberg is a retired partner, resident in the Philadelphia office of Ballard Spahr, LLP, where he established an extensive real estate practice, including development, financing, leasing, and acquisition.  Earlier in his career, he served as vice president and associate general counsel of The Rouse Company for 23 years.  He is past president of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers, past chair of the Anglo-American Real Property Institute, and past chair of the International Council of Shopping Centers Law Conference.  Mr. Goldberg is currently a Fellow of the American College of Mortgage Attorneys and is a member of the American Law Institute.  Mr. Goldberg received his B.A. from Pennsylvania State University and his LL.B. from the University of Maryland School of Law.

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  • 6/15/2025
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Buying and Selling Commercial Real Estate, Part 2


Buying and selling commercial real estate is a lengthy and complex undertaking from diligence and letters of intent to mortgage agreements and, ultimately, the underlying purchase and sale agreement. Reps and warranties have become more extensive and exacting in detail. Financing contingencies have become lengthy and complex. Due diligence has become lengthier, more invasive and costlier – or barely permitted at all, in particularly “hot” markets.  Managing all these elements is demanding.  This program will provide you a practical guide to the transactional cycle of buying and selling commercial real estate.   Day 1: Planning the process – letters of intent, negotiations, closing process Due diligence depending on the type of deal – title, environmental, finance issu Understanding the minefield of seller’s reps and warranties Buyer and seller’s covenants in a volatile market Deposits of money   Day 2: Issues for income producing properties, multiple family properties, and distressed properties Finance issues in operative agreements, including finance contingencies, and working with commercial lenders Conditions to closing and reducing the risk of not closing Post-closing issues, baskets, escrow and contingencies Bankruptcy issues in operative agreements   Speakers: Anthony Licata is a partner in the Chicago office of Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, where he formerly chaired the firm’s real estate practice.  He has an extensive practice focusing on major commercial real estate transactions, including finance, development, leasing, and land use.  He formerly served as an adjunct professor at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University and at the Illinois Institute of Technology.  Mr. Licata received his B.S., summa cum laude, from MacMurray College and his J.D., cum laude, from Harvard Law School. John S. Hollyfield is of counsel and a former partner in the Houston office Norton Rose Fulbright, LLP.  He has more than 40 years’ experience in real estate law practice.  He formerly served as chair of the ABA Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section, president of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers, and chair of the Anglo-American Real Property Institute.  He has been named a "Texas Super Lawyer" in Real Estate Law by Texas Monthly magazine and is listed in Who’s Who in American Law.  He is co-editor of Modern Banking and Lending Forms (4th Edition), published by Warren, Gorham & Lamont.  He received his B.B.A. from the University of Texas and his LL.B. from the University of Texas School of Law. Richard R. Goldberg is a retired partner, resident in the Philadelphia office of Ballard Spahr, LLP, where he established an extensive real estate practice, including development, financing, leasing, and acquisition.  Earlier in his career, he served as vice president and associate general counsel of The Rouse Company for 23 years.  He is past president of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers, past chair of the Anglo-American Real Property Institute, and past chair of the International Council of Shopping Centers Law Conference.  Mr. Goldberg is currently a Fellow of the American College of Mortgage Attorneys and is a member of the American Law Institute.  Mr. Goldberg received his B.A. from Pennsylvania State University and his LL.B. from the University of Maryland School of Law.

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  • 6/16/2025
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Drafting Buy/Sell Agreements for Closely Held Companies, Part 1


There is rarely a liquid market for the sale or exchange of ownership interests in closely-held companies.  Buy/sell agreements fix that problem by creating a market among the owners of a company, providing a mechanism for owners to liquidate their interests in a reliable manner. The owners may agree to buy and sell interests among themselves on the occurrence of certain events and using certain valuation metrics, or they may agree that the company itself will redeem an owner’s interest. Without these agreements, there is often no alternative for an owner to cash out, short of liquidating the company. This program will provide you with a practical guide to the different types of buy/sell agreements, drafting the essential provisions of each, and common negotiating and drafting tips.   Day 1: Types of buy/sell agreements – cross-purchase among owners, entity redemption, and hybrid approaches Most highly negotiated provisions of buy/sell agreements Triggering events – voluntary sale, retirement, death, bankruptcy of shareholder or member Valuation of interests – appraisals, formula clauses,comps, and dispute resolution Rights of first offer v. rights of first refusal, and sales to third parties   Day 2: Funding buy/sell arrangements  – payouts/earnouts over time, commercial borrowing, key-man insurance, other funding sources Special issues involving S Corps and unincorporated entities Drag-along and tag-along rights in buy/sell agreements Major tax issues in buy/sell agreements for buyer, seller and the entity   Speaker: Daniel G. Straga is counsel in the Washington, D.C. office of Venable, LLP, where he counsels companies on a wide variety of corporate and business matters across a range of industries. He advises clients on mergers and acquisitions, capital raising, venture capital, and governance matters.  He also have extensive experience in private equity and cross-border transactions.Mr. Straga earned his and his B.A. from the University of Delaware and his J.D. from the George Washington University Law School.

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  • 6/21/2025
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Drafting Buy/Sell Agreements for Closely Held Companies, Part 2


There is rarely a liquid market for the sale or exchange of ownership interests in closely-held companies.  Buy/sell agreements fix that problem by creating a market among the owners of a company, providing a mechanism for owners to liquidate their interests in a reliable manner. The owners may agree to buy and sell interests among themselves on the occurrence of certain events and using certain valuation metrics, or they may agree that the company itself will redeem an owner’s interest. Without these agreements, there is often no alternative for an owner to cash out, short of liquidating the company. This program will provide you with a practical guide to the different types of buy/sell agreements, drafting the essential provisions of each, and common negotiating and drafting tips.   Day 1: Types of buy/sell agreements – cross-purchase among owners, entity redemption, and hybrid approaches Most highly negotiated provisions of buy/sell agreements Triggering events – voluntary sale, retirement, death, bankruptcy of shareholder or member Valuation of interests – appraisals, formula clauses,comps, and dispute resolution Rights of first offer v. rights of first refusal, and sales to third parties   Day 2: Funding buy/sell arrangements  – payouts/earnouts over time, commercial borrowing, key-man insurance, other funding sources Special issues involving S Corps and unincorporated entities Drag-along and tag-along rights in buy/sell agreements Major tax issues in buy/sell agreements for buyer, seller and the entity   Speaker: Daniel G. Straga is counsel in the Washington, D.C. office of Venable, LLP, where he counsels companies on a wide variety of corporate and business matters across a range of industries. He advises clients on mergers and acquisitions, capital raising, venture capital, and governance matters.  He also have extensive experience in private equity and cross-border transactions.Mr. Straga earned his and his B.A. from the University of Delaware and his J.D. from the George Washington University Law School.

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  • 6/22/2025
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Smartphones, Tablets, and Other Devices in the Workplace


Most employees carry with them powerful devices – smartphone and tablets – that they use for mixed personal and professional use.  These devices can enhance or hinder productivity. Their powerful communications capabilities enable a range of activity which potentially exposes employers to liability.  Employers struggle with crafting policies that allow employees autonomy to use their devices and even channel them to productive work use, but limit their exposure to liability, including allegations that employers are invading the privacy of employees.  This program will provide you with a practical guide to drafting policies for using smart devices on the job.   Monitoring workplace usage and potential violations/liability for invasions of privacy Wage and hour issues – when does the workday begin and end when employees are never disconnected? EEO violations, discrimination and harassment risks when devices are used for mixed professional/personal use Obtaining digital evidence from employee devices – what’s allowed, what’s not? Best practices in preserving employer trade secret issues   Speakers: Laura Zabele is an attorney in the Los Angeles office of Paul Hastings, LLP, where her practice focuses on all aspects of labor and employment law.  She represents employers before state and federal courts and administrative agencies throughout the U.S., including single-plaintiff and class and collective actions involving discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and wage and hour issues. She also counsels employers on employment issues such as reductions in force, preparing handbook policies, and drafting employment and separation agreements.  Ms. Zabele earned her B.A., with distinction, from Cornell University and her J.D. from Boston University School of Law. Brian Featherstun is an attorney in the San Francisco office of Paul Hastings, LLP, where his practice focuses on complex litigation and employment matters. In addition to his litigation work, he routinely advises employers on best practices to mitigate exposure or avoid litigation altogether in areas including employment discrimination, retaliation, harassment, and wage and hour issues.  He has successfully handled first and second chair responsibility for trials, hearings, depositions, and administrative proceedings. Mr. Featherstun earned his B.A. from U.C. Santa Barbara and his J.D. from the UCLA School of Law.

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  • 6/23/2025
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